Why I lost motivation

Why do we do what we do?
Why do we not want to do what we do?
Why do we stop doing what we do?
Why do we avoid doing what we do?

Is the motivation intrinsic or extrinsic?
In plain English: does it come from within or is it encouraged, imposed or enforced by others?

Delayment of work.
Avoiding a task.
Running away from responsibility.

Almost always there is a simple explanation for this behaviour.

It doesn’t come from within.
You desire something else more.

To be happy you have two choices at this point.

1) Forget the thing you’re avoiding and focus all your attention on what you desire.
Put as much time, energy and effort you have to spare in your desire.
Do it as well as you can for as long as you can.
Improve upon it every day.

2) Find a new perspective for the thing you’re avoiding.
Find a reason that makes you want to do it more.
A reason that comes from within.
Your desires and wants change over time.
All you’re doing is assisting in this process.

Most people think there is a third option.
To avoid what needs to be done and spend time on doing what they want at the moment.
Then beating themselves up over this decision.

“I’m irresponsible.”
“I should have done the other thing.”
“Why did I spend so much time on this?”

That is not the path to happiness.
That is the path to unhappiness.

Follow it long enough and it’ll become ingrained.
Pushing away anyone who liked to be around you.
Energy and vibes are contagious.
Both the positive and the negative ones.

Next time you find yourself doing something other than what you’re supposed to.
Ask yourself the questions at the top of this post.
You’ll learn a lot about yourself.

Then, instead of beating yourself up, ask yourself: how can I make this a bigger part of my life?
Once you have one or more answers, take the corresponding action.
Welcome to the cycle of positivity.