What I wish I had known earlier

“What is one thing you have learnt that you wish you had known earlier?”

An often asked question.
Seemingly easy to answer.
Until you’re the one who’s asked.
At least it had me at a loss for words.

“What is one thing you have learnt that you wish you had known earlier?”

After what seemed like an eternity – but was only 10 seconds, give or take – I had my answer.
I don’t like to keep people waiting, after all.
Listening is my virtue.
Silence is not.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t think of anything.”

That had her at a loss for words.
She was hoping to receive the secret.
The key that unlocks her future.
The light that illuminates her path.
The words that would improve her life.

Silence becomes awkward for me more quickly than for most people so I continued.

“Everything I am today is an accumulation of my experiences, my studies, my observations, my reflections. I wouldn’t think the way I do, be capable of what I am or have the values I have today if it wasn’t for this accumulation. If I had learnt any of this earlier, I would be walking a different path now and I wouldn’t want that. Life is beautiful and it becomes more and more beautiful the older I get. I wouldn’t want to trade this for anything.”

A disappointed look.
Not what I expected.
Nor what I wanted.

Let me contextualize it.

“My life hasn’t been changed by a single lesson. But even if it had, it wouldn’t make sense to you. Heck, it wouldn’t have made sense to a younger me. The reason it made sense to me at that time is that I was ready for it…which gets me back to ‘it’s an accumulation of experiences.’ Our lives are unique, our journeys are unique, we are unique. You’ll learn the lessons you have to learn to live the life you want. At least, if you continue to develop yourself.”

Raised eyebrows.

This is a tough one.

“Want to be healthy? Eat well, sleep well, fast occasionally, exercise, meditate, educate yourself, take cold showers. Do this every day.
Want to be wealthy? Be of service to others, build assets, understand compounding, invest a part of your earnings.
Want to be successful? Know how your mind works, build positive habits, have feedback loops, reflect regularly.”

Glimmering eyes.
A bright smile.
Looks like someone who received what she was looking for.
Quick fixes. A cheat sheet.

I wonder how much makes sense to her.
How much will stick.
How much she truly understands.
And uses.
To make lasting changes.

Only time will tell.