We cannot change others

Sometimes we want to change someone.
For our sake.
Often, for their sake.

We see things they don’t see.
At least, we think they don’t see it.

They’re unaware, we think.
Maybe so.
Maybe no.

They’re going down the wrong path.
A path which doesn’t lead to anything good.
Which doesn’t lead to happiness.

It might even be a dangerous path.
Lose some relationships.
Experience financial loss.
Risk one’s health.

We want to protect someone.
By changing them.

We try.
We fail.

We don’t want to push too far.
We don’t want to hurt our relationship.
We don’t want to be shut out.
We care too much for them.

We attempt a few more times.
Same result.
Same failure.

Do we give up?
Do we complain?
Do we argue?

We see it getting worse.
We feel it getting worse.
Not just for the other.
But also for ourselves.

One day it hits us.
Maybe too late.
Maybe on time.

What is the other side experiencing?
What is the other side thinking?
What is the other side feeling?

How well do I understand the other side?
How much have I tried to understand?
How strongly did I try to push my point of view?
My ideals?

How well did I listen?

Anyone can be changed.
Anyone can change.
Everyone changes.
All the time.

The only one who can make this change happen.
Is oneself.

Changing someone else is a waste of energy.
Understanding someone else is not.
Nor is bringing something to one’s attention.

Understand someone.
Make someone aware.
Guide someone.
Learn from someone.

It’s a back-and-forth.
A two-way street.

Focus less on the result and more on the process.
Understand that and we can help change anyone.
The change will take place when one is ready.
Because change comes from within.