Transitioning from your job to your passion

“Follow your passion.”

Often mentioned in biographies and interviews.

Easier said than done.

Finding it is one thing.
Dropping what you’re doing to pursue it is another.

The thought of giving up a stable job or income scares many.
Let alone the uncertainty that comes with walking a path less traveled.

I’m not one to recommend going cold turkey, giving up what you have and taking a plunge into the unknown.
Many don’t have the emotional fortitude needed to make this change work.

I recommend slowly transitioning from one phase to another.
Putting in a bit of effort and preparation.
To make the transition seamless – and not as scary as it appears.

We all have interests.
The lucky ones have goals.
A select few have dreams.

Some we have spent time on, some we haven’t.
To turn those interests into goals and goals into dreams takes time and effort.
Not a lot, but it does take consistent effort.

When you feel that itch – and especially once it’s an urge – to quit and move on to something else, you know time is of the essence.
We often end up going for the low-hanging fruits or the easy way out.
The transitions that “make the most sense.”

But when that itch arises, ask yourself: what am I interested in?
What do I want to spend my time on?
What do I want to explore?

Answer that and the next step becomes: what can I do on a daily or weekly basis to explore it more now?
This is where most give up.

They want to do a particular profession or work at a particular company when they have the required skills – which they don’t (yet!).
To get it, they need to gain experience…at a company in that industry.
It becomes a chicken-and-egg situation.

Which it isn’t.

These are just assumptions as a result of faulty or outdated mental models.
In this day and age, we have access to tons of information.
Books, audio books, videos, podcasts, online courses.
Whichever your preferred medium is, it provides a way for you to learn about the field you’re interested in.
On the off chance it doesn’t, it provides an opportunity for you to create something.
Learning and scratching your own itch while creating something of value for others in a similar situation.

Having worked in a field is one way to join the company you desire or make the switch you want.
But there are so many other ways.

Learn about the industry from online or offline sources.
Talk with or interview one person working in the industry every week (or day if you’re ambitious).
Join online or offline conferences.
Be involved in an online community.
Volunteer for a non-profit.
Start small as a freelancer.
Produce content related to the industry and learn while doing.

To make the transition in life you want doesn’t require much time or effort.
It only requires consistent effort.
Less time doubting, more time doing.
Adjust the time spent based on your ambition and desire to change your situation.
The good thing: you are in control of everything I mentioned.

Remember: there is always a way to get started.
A way that suits you.
You just have to uncover it.
Then start following it.