To procrastinate

To procrastinate.
To delay or put off action.

The remedy is simple.
Take action.

This deals with the consequence.
The symptom.
Not the cause.

So it’s only a matter of time.
Before it comes back.
Rearing its head.

The real remedy?


Does this help me?
Does this make my life better?
Is this what I want to do?
Is this what I want to be doing?

Why am I procrastinating?
What makes me run away?
What makes me do something else?
Why am I doing that particular something?

How do I feel about this?
Do I pressure myself?
Do I justify my actions?
Do I use negative language?
Do I use pessimistic language?
How can I frame my actions more positively?

Where am I going?
Where do I want to go?
Who do I want to be?
What do I want to do?
What do I want to have?
Why do I want that?
How can I become that?

Why haven’t I made this a reality?
Do I want to make this a reality?
Do I really want to make this a reality?
Do I reaaaaally want to make this a reality?

What is holding me back?
Who is holding me back?
Which changes can I make?
Which improvements can I make?

What can I do right now?
What is the easiest thing I can do right now?
What is the smallest step forward I can take?

Take action.

It treats the symptom.

Combine it with thought.
With emotion.
With a clear direction.

And it treats the cause too.

Revisit if needed.
The supply is endless.
The cost zero.
The return immeasurable.

Pursue what you want to do.
Who you want to be.

The pursuit gives you energy.
Makes procrastination unnecessary.
Makes procrastination unthinkable.

Know your direction.
Feel it.
Act on it.