The longer we commit, the more we grow and benefit

Commitment is a funny thing.

We’re never sure if we’re on the right track.
When we start something.
While we’re doing something new.

But the more we commit and the longer we commit, the more we feel we’re on the right track.

Gradually that feeling becomes stronger.

I’ve experienced it time and time again.
The more time and effort I dedicate to something, the more convinced I become that what I’m doing is correct.

I’m sure you’ve experienced this too.

Recently I realized: what has changed is not the outside world, but the inside one.

Gary Vaynerchuck has mentioned a few times “I didn’t come to them, they came to me” when asked about his cursing and its acceptance in society.

That’s also how I’ve started to look at everything I do now, but on an even bigger scale than “society”.

The more we change what we do, the less progress we make.
The more we commit, the more progress we make.
The more everything starts to fall into place and starts to feel right.

The outside world hasn’t changed.
Only the internal one.
Our experience, our knowledge, our skills, our perception of the world, our energy.

So, a note to myself as well as to anyone willing to listen: pick a path and commit.
Stick to your commitment as long as it gives you energy.
The rest will work itself out just fine.