The difference between the haves and have-nots

The difference between people who
have what they want,
get what they want,
do what they want,
live the life they want,
and those that don’t.

The ability and courage to act in the face of incomplete information.
Dealing with the consequences – good or bad.
Learning, implementing and making improvements along the way – to their process, their mental models, their acquisition of high-quality information.
Persevering until they reach the outcome they desire.
Doing so with positive energy that is contagious.
Getting others excited to help the cause.
Knowing that whatever the cause may be, it is greater than any one individual.
Going at it at the expense of no one, and the betterment of everyone.

In this world of abundance, one receives what one deserves based on the actions one takes, the intentions with which they do so and the longevity at which they go at it.

Action solves everything.