The Power of Asking the Right Questions – TEDxAwaji 2022

The Power of Asking the Right Questions | TEDxAwaji 2022

On Sunday December 18, 2022 I was invited to speak at TEDxAwaji 2022. The theme was “Ikigai,” a Japanese word meaning “purpose in life” or “raison d’être.”

My talk “The Power of Asking the Right Questions” covers my 8.5-year journey from early 2014 to late 2022 (age 22 to 30), from my first job to going solo and uncovering my calling. I tell stories to connect my life experiences and give you many useful life lessons.

I won’t spoil it for you. I think it’s worth your time. I condensed 10 years of ups and downs, various personal transformations and lessons I still benefit from today into a 17.5 minute rollercoaster ride.

But as a teaser I talk about:

  • How I dealt with the toughest situation in my life
  • Why I moved to the other side of the world
  • How I improved my relationships
  • The various ways I learnt to manage, control and change my emotions… at will
  • How I went from culturally oblivious to being well-liked
  • All the ways in which I failed to find my “ikigai” (aka “purpose in life)…and the way with which I found it
  • How I went from being a productive “robot”… to a procrastinator… to a productive “human”
  • The ways I’ve found to continuously increase my happiness, fulfilment and effectiveness… week after week
  • The 1 question that has changed my perspective on life, love and success

If any of this resonates, it’s worth a watch.
Even if it doesn’t resonate, I think it’s worth a watch.

Below you’ll find my girlfriend’s review (nobody is as candid as a loved one) and English and Japanese transcripts.

My girlfriend’s review

English transcript

Imagine you’re 22, just out of college.

Your first day at the office.

You meet your boss and 3 other people.

You get a quick tour of the office.

Once that’s finished, you get your first assignment: “I want to expand the company. 1 additional product, 4 new markets, 10 more people. And I want it to be done in 2 months. I’ll take care of the product & marketing. The rest I leave to you.”

What’s the first thing that crosses your mind?

If you’re like me, it was “now what do I do?”

Business school had taught me about accounting, corporate structures, compensation schemes. Useful when you join an established company with processes and systems. But when you join a startup…there is no process. There is no system. There is no mentor. There is only chaos and trial-and-error.

The entire first day I was thinking “if only we had X or Y.” On the way home, I felt useless. I hadn’t done anything. 

“Why had I joined this startup?”. I enjoyed the vibe, believed in the mission and it seemed interesting. My colleagues seemed to think so too. 

“There must be others like us,” I thought. “What do we have in common?” We all studied business, marketing or communication. And we loved video games – the startup publishes mobile games.

“What if tomorrow I create a job description with everything my colleagues and I find interesting about this job and share it with every business school in Europe?”

This way I overcame a new situation every single day. I’d be lost, struggle and think “if only we have this or that.” But the market waits for no one, so eventually I’d ask myself instead “what if” and find a solution. 2 years later we had grown to 25 people managing 8 products.

Then I got a call from my boss.

“We’re running out of cash. We need to let half of the staff go.”

“By when?”

“6 weeks.”

I was 24 and, to date, that’s been my most difficult experience. Telling someone they’ll be without a job in 4-6 weeks. It got easier, but it never became easy. 

What made it so difficult was that I hadn’t seen it coming. And as a result, none of my team had either. We had optimistically talked about the future. Interns becoming employees. Contract employees becoming permanent employees. Everything was sunshine and rainbows. 

Except it wasn’t. 

“If only my boss had told me earlier.” I had 2 weeks to talk with everyone. Who was gonna stay, who was gonna be let go, what we’d do moving forward. It made me sick in the stomach. 

But it wasn’t just my stomach. It was also my heart. Because while all this was going on, my girlfriend of 4 years had just broken up with me. I hadn’t seen that coming either. “If only.”

That darkest time is now my proudest moment. What once felt hopeless, was overcome – professionally and personally. 

A few weeks later I attended my ex-girlfriend’s graduation ceremony. I had promised months earlier to be there and take care of her parents, which I did.

And on the train ride back my mind started to wonder. “What do I want?” I asked myself a few times and the same word kept coming up: “Japan.” A 30-min train ride had never gone by so fast. By the time I came home, my mind was made up. 

“I’m going to Japan.”

I informed my parents that night, my boss the next morning and spent 6 months to wrap up  my work. I didn’t apply for jobs until I had left the company, but a year after making my decision I was on a plane to Japan. 

It was the end of a chapter and the start of a new one.

My first few years were dominated by “if only.” The next few years were dominated by “it doesn’t make sense.” It started as soon as I arrived in Japan.

To identify myself I got a residence card. To register at the city hall or do my taxes I received a small piece of paper with my personal ID number. But if I want to do anything government-related online, I have to separately apply for a My Number Card. 3 cards that could be 1 with much less paperwork. It doesn’t make sense.

Then my first time driving in Japan, a Japanese friend tells me the traffic light is blue. Despite having a word for “green,” the Japanese call what we consider a green light, a blue light. “It doesn’t make sense.”

But the biggest shock was the “omiyage.” Bringing souvenirs to your workplace and family after a trip. Usually it’s snacks or junk food because they’re easier to carry, lighter and cheaper than things like fruits or crafts. So what ends up happening is that people bring food that they don’t WANT to give, to people of whom half do NOT want to eat it – for health, dieting or other reasons. But because it’s rude to reject the gift, everyone eats it. 

But why would I give something if I don’t want to give it? So, after my first trip I hadn’t brought anything for my office. Well, that was the only time that happened. I had to make a choice: comply and be a part of the group; refuse and be an outsider. Though “it doesn’t make sense.”

A year later I went home for Christmas. Something strange happened. Like a woodpecker banging its beak against a tree, I was nodding – making a tiny bow – whenever I met someone. A Japanese style greeting or apology that confused every Dutch. And one that almost got me into a fight after I had bumped into somebody who expected an “I’m sorry” and only got a nod. 

I realized: I had changed, not because I want to, but because the environment made me.

Back home I also shared my experiences with friends and family and their response was the same as mine: “it doesn’t make sense.” But now I found myself trying to explain why things were the way they were, to explain the culture, the history, the intentions behind the actions.

This led to my second realization: the same objective reality is subjectively different.

One’s perception changes everything.

I returned to Japan with 1 mission: instead of “how can I make others understand me?” I would focus on “how can I understand them?” 

If the environment was gonna change me, I wanted to know how and maintain some control.

With a lot of trial-and-error, I found 2 things helpful:

  • Asking why x5. Asking it once leads to a superficial reason. Continue to ask and you’ll get to the core. 
  • Secondly, I changed my messaging. My mom always told me “the tone makes the music.” The same content can be phrased differently, presented differently, structured differently. I experimented with everything.

And as I went from “making statements” to “asking questions” I not only gained new perspectives, my relationships also improved. By showing more interest in others and  phrasing my questions differently, people became supportive, opened up or changed their opinion altogether.

This made me realize:

  • Understanding comes from asking the right questions.
  • Framing shapes the perception, feelings & beliefs of others.

While it sounds like everything was well, I was struggling at work. With my start-up background, I couldn’t handle the bureaucracy of a big corporation. It was suffocating.

6 months into my second year, I thought “what if I ask myself better questions?”

“Why am I struggling?” “Why do I feel this way?” “Why, why, why.”

And finally: “What if I were to quit?”

That final question unlocked everything as I realized I had a choice: 

  • I change myself to fit the environment – willingly or unwillingly
  • I change the environment to fit me

To take control or to relinquish it. Knowing I had a choice was a liberating feeling.

Once you’ve seen an alternative reality, you can no longer unsee it. You know it’s possible. All that remains is to figure out the “how.”

At age 28 and with enough savings to last me 2 years, I thought “if not now, when?” As the environment was changing me in ways I didn’t like, the decision was simple: I’d start for myself. 

And once again, for 6 months I prepared my workplace for a life without me during the day and I worked on my next thing at night and on the weekends. 

Just like that, 2.5 years after coming to Japan, I quit my job and started for myself. The start of a new chapter.

But 3 weeks into it, I felt completely miserable.

To quickly earn money I had decided to day trade stocks and start a dropshipping business. It wasn’t fun. It wasn’t energizing. And I wasn’t skilled or interested in either of them. Working on them drained my soul. This wasn’t it.

With my experience in the Netherlands and Japan, I knew I could change my beliefs and feelings if I asked the right questions. All that remained was the right location.

3 years earlier I took a train ride. This time I went to the beach. While the waves were hitting the shore, once again, I asked myself:

“What do I want to do in life?”

Except this time, nothing came to mind.

“What if, instead of asking what, I ask who?”

  • Who do I love working with?
  • How can I help them?
  • Which people have similar problems?
  • Who do I contact first?

I wrote down 10 names of people I’d love to work with and who I knew I could help. I contacted the first 3, told them what and how I wanted to help them, and, if they were up for it, work together for 3 months for free. All 3 said yes and 3 months later 1 became my first paid client.

That’s how I started and built my coaching business: find people I love to work with and who I know I can help, help them for free, then they either become a paid client or refer me to someone else. Word-of-mouth does the rest.

So…I’ve found my calling. I’ve got clients. My business is growing. Happy ending right?

The real struggle wasn’t changing my beliefs or my thoughts. The real struggle was changing my actions.

You see…when you quit your job, you all of a sudden have 24 hours a day. You decide what to do, when to do it and how to do it from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to bed.

The result: procrastination.

I realized that having complete freedom is just as bad as having no freedom. I just couldn’t handle it.

I decided to study the lives of people I respect: athletes, investors, businessmen. “How can they get so much done when we have the same 24 hours?”

It’s actually pretty simple: they change their environment, which changes their habits, their beliefs, their actions and ultimately their identity.

I’d write down 5-10 tasks the night before, wake up the next morning, look at that list and start with the easiest. I’d never get more than half of the list done so the next day my list would be even longer and by the end of the day I’d feel even worse.

One day I thought: “the right questions changed my feelings in the Netherlands, my beliefs and thoughts at my last job, can they do the same for my actions?”

The answer is yes.

And there are 4 in particular that have changed my life:

  1. What, if done, makes everything else easier or irrelevant? This forces me to pick the 1 activity or project that matters most and focus on effectiveness rather than efficiency.
    1. What energizes me and how can I do more of that?
    2. What drains me and how can I do less of that?
    3. Every week I ask these and improve how I spend my time by prioritizing activities that I care about, that make me happy or that I’m skilled at. 
  2. What can I eliminate easily? Or: what if I stop doing that? It’s not addition, but subtraction – the elimination of tasks, habits and projects has reduced my stress to near 0, while improving the quality of my work and my life.

What connects these 3 chapters of my life are questions.

“If only” became “what if”

“That doesn’t make sense” turned into “why”

Procrastination and stress were overcome with questions.

That brings me to the final message I want to leave you with.
The most powerful question I’ve found.

What if.

But not the way you’re used to using it.

  • What if this hadn’t happened to me?
  • What if I hadn’t lost that money?
  • What if I had gotten that promotion?

Focus your “what ifs” on the past and you’ll be filled with regret. A time long gone.

Focus your “what ifs” on the future and you’ll find opportunity. A time yet to come.

  • What if my parents were to pass away tomorrow? Have I said everything I wanted?
  • What if tomorrow I do what I love? Do I let life happen to me or for me?
  • And finally: What if everything in life is a choice?

Japanese transcript (日本語翻訳・筆録)







私は 「明日、私たちが考えた仕事の面白いところをまとめて、それをベースにした求人広告を作って、ヨーロッパにあるビジネススクール全校に送ったらどうだ?」と言いました。



























  • 一つ目は、「なぜ」を5回も聞くこと。1回だけ聞くと浅薄な説明ではぐらかされます。しつこく聞きましょう。そうすれば核心に触れることができます。
  • 二つ目は、伝え方を変えること。「音楽というのは、調子によって良くも悪くもなる」といつも母に言われました。同じ内容を様々な形で伝えられます。私は何でもトライしていました。
















  • 「誰と働けば楽しい?」
  • 「どうやって人のためになれる?」
  • 「同じような問題を抱えている人はいないか?」
  • 「まずは誰に連絡すればいい?」


























あなたの “もしも “を過去に焦点を当てると、あなたは後悔で満たされるでしょう。

