Success comes easy when you follow the blueprint

I had heard it many times before.
But yesterday it clicked differently.

Do what your role models have done.

What made it click differently: the addition of “until you surpass them”.

The road to success is surprisingly simple.
There are many blueprints to follow.
All you have to do is find the one you want to follow.
Dead or alive, there are plenty of role models who have paved the way.

I’ve always wanted to learn from the best.
Combine their teachings and their lessons.
Create an even better outcome and life than they’ve had.
It means uncharted territory.

I don’t want to live someone else’s life.
I want to live my own life.

But is it really such a bad thing to replicate what someone else has done?
Someone had success with it.
There’s proof that it works.

That’s why it clicked differently yesterday.
Let’s learn from our role models, our mentors.
Let’s emulate them.
Replicate the journey.
Don’t get cute.
Until we surpass them.

Then it’s time to move on to another role model.
Until we surpass them too.

Until we have nobody we want to emulate.
That’s when we get into uncharted territory.
That’s when we approach greatness.
Achieving greatness is difficult.
Approaching its doorstep doesn’t have to be.
Just follow the blueprint.
Just follow your role model.