Starting and giving up

Achievement is at the other side of deliberate effort, perseverance and patience.
This doesn’t mean, however, that this effort has to be in one field.

We tend to not want to “give up” on something in which we have invested resources.
Not to mention the perception or opinion of others when we do so.

Continuing to do something only makes sense if it makes sense to do that particular thing at that moment.
The world around us changes constantly.
With experience and wisdom, so does our internal world.
Continuing to go down a path is a consideration you, ideally, make at the moment.
Unrestrained by resources invested in the past.
The so-called ‘sunk costs’.

What you’ve done, learnt, experienced in the past isn’t going away.
But letting it define your present (and future) actions?
That doesn’t make sense.

Pursuing achievement?
What gives you the highest ROI moving forward…not looking backwards.

Pursuing happiness?
What gives you the greatest joy and the most energy right now…not in the past.

Pursuing fulfilment?
What gives you the greatest satisfaction and makes you feel the most alive at the moment…not last week or last year.

Going down one path deliberately gives you the greatest returns in the shortest amount of time.
But if you’re not happy or fulfilled while doing it, is it worth it?

Changing paths may stop the compounding effect of that particular path.
But it doesn’t stop the compounding effect of you and your life.

With time, circumstances change.
Evaluate, consider and decide based on the present, not the past.
Do what feels right.
You can always go back to what you were doing.
And this time, with more experience, knowledge and wisdom.