Speaking ill of others

One thing I’ve noticed over the years is that unhappy people blame others for their circumstances.
The unhappier they are, the more they shift the blame elsewhere.
The more they do that, the more they start speaking ill of others.

On the contrary, happy people look at how they can improve a situation.
What they can do differently.
And I rarely, if ever, hear them speak ill of others.
They tend to shift the conversation.
I think they intuitively know that negativity attracts more negativity.
They don’t want that for themselves nor for the person they’re talking with.

Whether this is actually the case is up for debate.
I’m just speaking from what I’ve observed.

It’s made me change my speech and attitude.
Less talking about others, more caring about others.
Less focus on others’ actions, more focus on my own.
Less giving up hope and complaining, more putting words into action.

It’s made me feel better and I think an overall more pleasant person to be around.
Others can attest to that.

With this in mind, I now cut off people who are about to badmouth others.
I don’t want them to become a darker version of themselves and continue to attract negativity.
I might not be able to change their mind.
But I can ensure their situation doesn’t worsen.
At least when I’m around.