
“How many customers and what is the average revenue per customer you need to reach your break-even point?”

“I don’t know.”

“How high should your revenue be to be break-even this month?”

“I don’t know.”

“How much cash did you start with and how much do you have now?”

“I don’t know.
But my investor probably knows!”

My recent conversation with a coaching client.
Someone trying to run his own salon.
I’ve got my work cut out for me.

It’s easy to teach him the ropes.
Explain what this all means.
Implement systems and dashboards.

I don’t want him to understand.

I want him to own it.

That’s the hard part.
That’s what drives success.
That’s what brings progress.


Owning and running your own business is not for everyone.
Everybody is ready at different times.

Owning your life?
Owning your future results?
Owning your current actions?

That’s for everyone.
Everybody is ready right now.

Don’t leave it to others.
Don’t assume.
Don’t expect.

Own it.

Your future is yours to shape.
Your present is yours to control.

Life happens for you, not to you.
Work with what lies within your control.
Take ownership.