Overcoming negative emotions


Sounds familiar?
You’re not alone.
We all struggle with these.
Some more than others.

How to deal with them?

Good question.

This has worked for me.

0. Have a vision of a better future in your mind.
This can be something you want to do, achieve or accomplish.
For yourself. For your family. For others.
Or simply an improved version of yourself.

Why number 0?
With a clear vision, all else becomes easier.
Without a vision, all else becomes near impossible.

1. Continue to work toward your vision. To make decisions and take action.
To work together with my mind to reach the desired outcome.
Rather than have my mind dictate how I feel.

2. How to make the above easier?
Take the smallest possible action toward your goal.
Taking a step forward is more important than how big of a step you take.
Get the ball rolling.

Frankly, it’s been this simple.
And with repetition, it becomes second nature.
Like everything else in life.
Including both positive and negative thoughts.

But to help those souls who need a quick fix, I present some bonus tips.
Quick actions with quick results.
Short-lasting results, but sometimes that’s all you need.

a. Physical exercise.
Running, cycling, swimming, weightlifting, yoga.
What you do doesn’t matter as much as that you do it.
Let your body help you think of something else.
Do this consistently and you’ll find the improved version of yourself that you didn’t know you had inside you.

b. Meditation
Mindfulness, loving-kindness, visualisation.
Again, what you do doesn’t matter as much as that you do it.
Understand what you’re experiencing, why you’re experiencing it and how you can deal with it. And so much more.
Do this consistently and you can rewire your brain.

c. Music
The vibrations and frequency change your mood.
Don’t we all have a song that helps us deal with heartbreak?
Makes us happy?
Gets us ready for a game?
Playing your song once isn’t enough?
Headphones on and put it on repeat.
You’re welcome.

Do something once, change something once.
Do something consistently, change something consistently.
Do something subconsciously, change something subconsciously.

Cause and effect.