Opportunities are plentiful

Opportunities are plentiful.
Always have been.
Always will be.

“I lost my job.”
You now have the opportunity to reflect on your life.
What do I love to do?
How can I be better at that?
How can I be great at that?
How can I be of greater service to others?

Go through that mental checklist and you will never lose a job again.

“I lost a (very important) client.”
You now have the opportunity to reflect on your ability.
How could I have served him better?
Do I want to do that?
How can I make that happen?
How can I make myself – or our business – indispensable?
How can I be of greater service to others?

“I have to close shop (because of…)”
You now have the opportunity to reflect on your business.
What could I have done differently?
What could I have done differently? (This is intentional. Too many of us look at external factors – factors we don’t control – instead of looking inward and what is within our control.)
What can I do now?
How can I improve my business?
What have I always wanted to do with my business but never taken the time for?
How can I ensure this doesn’t happen again?
How can I make my business indestructible?
How can I be of greater service to others?

If you don’t see opportunities now. Today. Right this moment.
Work on yourself. Your mindset. Your attitude. Your emotions. Your relationships.
Look around you.

Who can you be of service to?
What do they care about?
How can you serve them better than anyone else?
How can you improve yourself?

Opportunities are plentiful.
Always have been.
Always will be.

Sometimes, all it takes is awareness.
Reframing your thoughts and feelings.

Other times, it requires more effort.
More patience.
To improve yourself.
So you can see what is around you.

If your heart is in the right place.
Your attitude aligned.
Your actions in sync.
Any situation can be overcome.

Any situation is temporary.
Its duration is up to you.
Any situation can be an opportunity – if you view it so.