Obsession is a possession

It comes naturally as a child.

A curiosity so strong it turns into an obsession.
An intense desire to understand, to figure something out, to get better at something.

Somewhere along the way we lose it.
Most of us at least.
We start caring more about fitting in.
About what others think of us.

No longer driven by internal pressure.
But driven by external pressure.
We become one with the crowd.

Our belief system starts changing.
We conform more and more with the people around us.

One day you ask “how can I be successful?”
“How can I be wealthy?”
“Is this all life has to offer?”

Leaving aside the definition of “success”, the answer is simple: (re)find your child-like curiosity.
(Re)Find your obsession.
Let what’s inside of you drive you.

One way Tom Bilyeu puts it that has stuck with me: “obsession is a possession.”
That’s all there is to success, to fame, to wealth, to whatever you desire in life.
Like how a small fire cannot give much heat, a weak desire cannot produce great results.

It starts with curiosity.
An itch you want to scratch.
Don’t let the flames die out.
Pursue it.

Follow that desire.
Fan the flames.

Turn it into an obsession.
Turn it into a bonfire.
Turn it into a necessity.

Like breathing.
The desire – the obsession – for more oxygen.
It never stops.

That is how you become successful, wealthy, famous.
How you accomplish your wildest dreams.
Experiencing all that life has to offer you.
By listening to that spark inside of you.
Nurturing it, growing it, pursuing it.
Regardless of the people around you.
Live your life and others will follow.

Obsession is a possession.