My next action

Hesitating between two or more options?
Unable to move the project forward?
Can’t make a decision?
Putting off the decision?
It’ll resolve itself with time?

Let me not think about this now.
Let me do something else.
Do some “research”. (Aka browsing the web, reading unrelated blog articles and going down a rabbit hole on YouTube.)
Let me watch Netflix for a bit.
Let me read a book.

We all have these moments.
The longer we dwell on something, the bigger we make it in our mind.
We increasingly overestimate the effort it takes to make progress.
Resulting in a vicious cycle of inertia and procrastination.

The solution is so simple.

What is my next action?

Not what you are going to do next week or next month.
Not what your project will look like when it’s complete.
Simply: what is my next action?

Sending an email to schedule an appointment?
Calling someone who can help you?
Taking an hour to figure this one small thing out?
Creating a visual?
Creating a spreadsheet?
Writing something?

The action can be big.
The action can be small.
Whichever makes you do something.
When finished, ask yourself: what is my next action?

Continue this and all your concerns disappear.
You’ll forget the feeling of procrastination.
You’ll forget what was making you hesitate in the first place.

So, what is your next action?