Make the call

Reaching out to others is scary.
Nobody likes rejections.

But those are the opportunities for growth.
When things aren’t going well.
When things don’t turn out as expected.

The pain you feel at the moment is nothing more than your negative relationship with the outcome.
Why view it negatively when you can view it positively?
Why fear it when you can love it?

Because you want to be well-liked?
Welcomed with open arms?

Today’s no can be tomorrow’s yes.

Nothing in life is permanent.
Opportunities come and go.

Didn’t grasp today’s opportunity?
What can you do to grasp tomorrow’s?

There is no harm in contacting someone.
To get advice.
Ask some questions.
Discuss mentorship.
Negotiate a partnership.


Why did you get rejected?
What could you have done differently?
Try that with the next person.

Have a better pitch?
A better email?
A better story?

Try the person who rejected you again.

Today’s no can be tomorrow’s yes.

Not reaching out guarantees one thing: neither a no nor a yes.
In other words: no progress.

Fear lingers and anxiety remains.
Do yourself a favour: make the call.