Living the dream

Are you living your dreams?

It’s a question I ask myself periodically.

Is this the life I see when I close my eyes?

A bit of introspection and reflection goes a long way.
Done regularly, it helps you stay on course.
The course may change with time.
What’s important is to stay on the course you want.
Not to drift off and wander about aimlessly.

It’s easy for unnecessary tasks to creep in over time.
To spend time on things that don’t really matter.
Without realizing it.

You may still be living life happily.
Don’t start noticing it until it’s too late.

Having a partner in life can help.
He or she can make you aware.
Your significant other often picks up “vibes” and “signals” way before we do ourselves.

But even without such a person in your life.
Introspection and reflection are always available.

Sometimes it takes an hour.
Sometimes it takes a week.
I’ve always found the time I spend on it now to save at least 10x that in “wasted” or “unhappy” time later.

It takes some practice to get used to.
It may even be uncomfortable.

I recommend starting with: “What is the life you envision for yourself when you close your eyes?”
It may take a few tries to get a clear image.
Once the image emerges, you can compare it to the life you’re living.
Do they overlap?
Are you working toward it?
Which makes you feel more fulfilled? Reality or your mental image?

Readjust your life accordingly.
Because today’s mental image can be tomorrow’s reality.
If you let it.
If you make it.