Know where you are. Know where you want to go.

Life is surprisingly simple.
We just make it more complicated than need be.

I don’t know how to do this.
I don’t have the time for this.
I don’t have the money for this.

We come up with reasons why we can’t do something.

I’m not good enough.
I’m not confident in this.
I’ve never done this before.

We start doubting our own ability.

I have to take care of [insert task].
[Insert person] doesn’t listen to me.
[Insert reason] is holding me back.

We let external factors stop us from moving forward.

One action resolves all of this: decide.
Decide to take one step forward.
A leap forward. A tiny step forward.

By how much you move forward is not important.
The act of moving forward is.
And this boils down to one simple action: decide.

Indecision, hesitation, doubt.
Not having control over your mind, your time, your life.
All of these – and similar negative thought patterns – only lead to one outcome: a standstill. Unable to move forward, backward, sideways, up or down.
The road to nowhere.

How can we overcome this mindset?
Know where you are. Know where you want to go.
Some call it a goal, some a dream, others an ambition.

I think of it as a guiding light.
You decide where it shines its light on.
In return, it guides you out of any darkness.

Once you’ve decided on the destination and you know where you are, there is only one thing left to do: decide.
Take an action that brings you closer to your guiding light.

This action is another point where we like to make it overly complicated for ourselves.
Arrange 10 podcast interviews.
Set up a sophisticated sales funnel.
Design an entire online course.

No wonder most of us struggle.
We’re not setting ourselves up for success.

Send 1 email invitation to a potential interviewee.
Write the headline for your sales page.
Create a survey for potential customers.

The former is a giant leap forward.
The latter is a tiny step forward.

By how much you move forward is not important.
The act of moving forward is.

It takes effort to stop something that is in motion.
It takes more effort to start something that is at a standstill.
In other words: get the ball rolling. Take a step forward. Move toward your guiding light.

Know where you are.
Know where you want to go.
Make a decision.
Take a step forward.
Enjoy life.
Enjoy the journey.