Increasing your service’s value in 7 steps

Increasing the value you provide in a few simple steps.


0a) Define your market
0b) Niche down
0c) Niche even further down
0d) Niche down to the point where you have a clear avatar

Increasing value

1) What is the avatar’s dream outcome?
2) What are the problems and obstacles that prohibit the avatar from reaching his/her dream outcome? This includes limiting beliefs.
To make it easier: when you’ve written down something, ask yourself “what’s next” for your avatar.
3) Turn all problems into solutions. Think “how to [insert problem]”.
4) Write down all your ideas on how you can deliver each solution to your avatar. One-to-one, one-to-many, physical, digital….no restrictions at this point.
5) Categorize your ideas based on low/high value and low/high profit.
6) Cut all the low-value offers regardless of profit potential.
7) Pick a high-value offer to start with and get to work.

Don’t forget to give your offer a name that immediately tells your avatar which problem it solves (and how).
No generic terms here.
If the avatar doesn’t get it, the name needs to be changed.
2 reasons:

  • The offer should convince people, not us.
  • The avatar’s perception of the value is their reality. Unique names that address their pain points take you out of the crowd and make you one-of-a-kind.

Finally, you may ask “how do I determine what is high and low value?”
For that, I refer you to this post on the value equation.