I hope vs I believe

“I hope I can make my dream come true.”

My ears perk up.

“I hope I can make my dreams come true.”

Why does this feel….so wrong?

“I hope I can make my dreams come true.”

My stomach churns as the sentence echoes in my mind.

“I hope I can make my dreams come true.”

My senses are tingling.
I’ve found another one.
A hoper.
A dreamer.

“I hope I can make my dreams come true.”

Can you blame the poor soul?
20 years old.
A student.

“I hope I can make my dreams come true.”

It makes you wonder.
What his upbringing was like.
What his surroundings are like.

“I hope I can make my dreams come true.”

How many more are out there?

“I hope I can make my dreams come true.”

Nothing wrong with it.
Let the young man hope.
Let him dream.

“I hope I can make my dreams come true.”

It’s not a question.
Besides, he’s still young.
He’ll learn.

“I hope I can make my dreams come true.”

Will he though?
What if it takes him 10 years?
What if he never learns?

“I hope I can make my dreams come true.”

Who’s to say that the next 20 years of his life won’t be the same as the past 20 years?
Who’s to say that his circumstances and his surroundings will change?
Who’s to say that he won’t remain a hoper? A dreamer?

“I hope I can make my dreams come true.”

Can I really let this slide?
To not say anything?
Let him be?

“I hope I can make my dreams come true.”

“I hope…”

“Allow me to give you one piece of advice:
Don’t hope.

If you “hope” you leave it to someone or something else.
If you “believe” (in yourself), you take control of your situation, your circumstances and your life.
You’ll find it empowering and easier to handle negative emotions.
Once you realize that everything in life is within your control, life becomes easy.

Make up your mind on what you want.
Decide on your course of action.
Turn your hopes and dreams into reality.”

“I believe I can make my dreams come true.”

“You can do better.”

“ I make my dreams come true.”

“You’re getting close.”

“I’ve realized my dreams.”

“Well done. Now go out there and turn those dreams into a reality.”