Growth mindset

When I read it a decade ago, I thought it was a good book.
Not an amazing one.
Just a good one.

I’m talking about “Mindset” by Carol Dweck.

The reason is twofold.

1) The book can be boiled down to fixed mindset vs growth mindset and their definitions.
I didn’t feel it needed an entire book dedicated to this.

2) Isn’t this common sense?

Those were my thoughts back then.
I realize now that the topic was and still isn’t common sense and that it does warrant a book.
Apparently, it has warranted even more.
Coaches, mentors, gurus, educators…an entire industry has formed around this principle.
All because of one thing: the lack of belief and action to change one’s circumstances.

It makes me sad and it makes me hungry.
Sad that there are people who don’t realize they control their life.
Hungry that there are more people out there to empower.

A decade later I still don’t think it’s an amazing book.
It does carry an amazing message.

We are learning machines.
We can transform into anything.
We can become anything.

With enough thought, action and belief, we can achieve anything.

If you don’t believe this, read the book.
Then give it a try.
Work on something new for 3 months.
Doing just a little bit every day.
Progress guaranteed.

After that, I welcome you to the club.
The club of the high-achievers.
The club of the fulfilled.
The club of the believers.
Who control their own lives and shape their destiny.