Conquering hesitation and inaction

Should I do this?
Should I do that?

The worst position to be in.
Easy to fall into a downward spiral.

Think some more.

Add to this increasing emotional activity.
And you’ve got yourself a bad hour.
Or day.
You surely don’t let it last longer than that?

Before you know it, you start to identify yourself this way.
“I am a thinker.” – to put it positively
“I hesitate a lot.” – to put it somewhat neutral
“I have difficulties making decisions.” – to put it negatively

One moment of indecision.
Of not nipping it in the bud.
Letting the seeds take root.
Letting them sprout.

So, how do we overcome inaction?

Make a decision.

Or as GaryVee puts it:
“There’s no perfect decision. There’s just life.
You don’t know the alternative and you never will.
Whichever decision you make, you won’t know how the other one would’ve played out.”

But this is unlikely to satisfy the “thinkers” among us – including myself.
Maybe after you’ve heard or read it often enough.
Plant the right seeds and let them sprout.
But not right now.

To those I say.

Close your eyes.
Visualize every option playing out.
What does your heart say?
What does your gut say?
Which one feels right?

Open your eyes.
You know your options.
You know your desired outcome.

If it’s simple, make it happen.
If it’s complicated, grab a piece of paper.
A napkin.
A coaster.

Write down all the steps that come to mind.
To get you from where you are now.
To where you want to go.
It doesn’t have to be organized.
Just out of your mind.
And on your piece of paper.

Scan your list.
Which item, when done, makes everything else easier?
Start there.
Seems too complicated?
Break the item down further.
Into more manageable tasks.

All of this can be done.
Not in weeks.
Not in days.
Not in hours.
In minutes.

Should I do this?
Should I do that?

Pick one and make it happen.
Get on with your day.
Get on with your life.