Comparing yourself with others

This person is so much better than me.
This person is so much faster than me.
This person is so much smarter than me.

That may be the case.
In that one particular area or aspect.

But in life as a whole?
Can you really compare yourself to someone else?
Your achievements? Possible.
Your capabilities? To an extent.
Your value? Maybe in $$$.
Your value system? …
Your essence? Yeah, I don’t think so.

We all walk our own path in life.
Some go in a straight line.
Others take a detour.
But we all get to our destination.

There may be others at your destination.
Who got there earlier.
Who you so desperately want to catch up to.
But always seem to be one step ahead.

These people, however, haven’t seen the scenery you’ve seen along your journey.
They may have reached your destination earlier.
Which is nothing more than a checkpoint.
From where we all continue on our own journey.
Some going straight ahead.
Others taking a detour.

I am unique.
You are unique.
We are all unique.

Who we are.
What we can do.
What we care about.
What we want to accomplish.

Today you compare yourself to Bob.
Tomorrow to Claire.
Next year to David.
And every time you forget who you compared yourself with previously.

It only makes sense to compare yourself to one person.
More specifically, your past self.

He or she is the only one who has been on the same journey.
And, if you’re not careful, at the same checkpoint.
Ensure that your past self is at least one step behind you.
That you’re walking ahead.
Making progress.
And everything will be just fine.

Look at others not as competition.
But as inspiration.
Sources to learn from.
What they have done, you can do too.
With enough effort.
And belief.

The reason you are not like someone else is simple.
You have walked a different path.
You have spent your time differently.
You have done and learnt different things.

If you truly want to catch up to someone, pick your future self.
The more ambitious you want to be, the more distant future self you can pick.
That person is not waiting for you.
But has trail-blazed a path.
Your path.

Follow that path.
Wave at others.
Learn from them.
Smile at them.

Enjoy your scenery.
Enjoy your journey.
Enjoy your life.