Daily Writing

Jim’s (near) daily blog articles centred around mindset and performance.

Its aim?
To make you think about your own life and have you create a positive, lasting change that comes from within.

Give and give more

Give and take. Normal to some.A revelation to others. Many grow up focused on the “take”.“What’s in it for me?” It works once.But people are quick to pick up on these intentions. As we get older we learn: there is no such thing as a free lunch.You want to receive something?You have to give something. …

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Worry and happiness

“I’m worried if I can find a job.”“I’m worried if I can get into a Master’s programme.”“I’m worried if I can finish everything on time.” Sometimes I wonder if people want their worries to materialize.Because that’s all that worrying does.It materializes that which you tell yourself you don’t want. Two reasons: negativity and inertia. Worrying …

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Why changing your mind is a good thing

“I’ve changed my mind.” This often rubs others the wrong way.There go their plans. But isn’t it only natural?You change your mind because of new information.This information alters your perspective.Which leads to changing your mind. Changing your mind means growth.As long as it’s due to learning.Not on a whim. Changing your mind means trying something …

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Frustrating managers

“It’s so frustrating!” “What is?” “They keep changing their mind!” In a corporate setting “they” refers to one of two things: customers or leadership.This time it’s the latter. “Isn’t that normal?” “It is, but still…” Tense muscles.Shallow breaths.Eyebrows inching closer together.All the signs of a frustrated colleague. “So what will you do?” “Get the extra …

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Motivating a team

Working in teams can be tough.Managing one can be even tougher.Leading one… The moment you deal with other people everything becomes more complicated.You can’t control another person, after all. A common struggle is motivation.Specifically, the difference in motivation. As every situation and team is different, every solution is different too.But I have found vision to …

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You only control yourself

Why doesn’t this person listen to me?Why doesn’t he understand my point of view?Why isn’t she convinced? It’s simple, really. You only control yourself. We can be as logical as we want.As emotional as we want.As inspiring as we want. But, ultimately, we only control ourselves. You can affect others.Correction: you affect others.All-day, every day. …

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What I wish I had known earlier

“What is one thing you have learnt that you wish you had known earlier?” An often asked question.Seemingly easy to answer.Until you’re the one who’s asked.At least it had me at a loss for words. “What is one thing you have learnt that you wish you had known earlier?” After what seemed like an eternity …

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No time, stressed and pressured

So much to do.So much that needs to be done. I don’t have enough time.I’m running out of time.I need more time. The deadline is around the corner.This has to be finished today.This is due tomorrow. The pressure is mounting.Stress accumulates. How can I get all this done? Sacrifice time with loved ones?Sacrifice sleep?Sacrifice food? …

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Making the complicated easy

Doing anything for the first time is hard.Building a new habit is hard.Accomplishing a big goal is hard. It doesn’t help that our mind makes things more complicated.More complicated than need be.Often more complicated than it actually is. Your mind can stack the deck against you.If you let it.After all, we are in control.Whether we …

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Comparing yourself with others

This person is so much better than me.This person is so much faster than me.This person is so much smarter than me. Sure.That may be the case.In that one particular area or aspect. But in life as a whole?Can you really compare yourself to someone else?Your achievements? Possible.Your capabilities? To an extent.Your value? Maybe in …

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Conquering hesitation and inaction

Should I do this?Should I do that? The worst position to be in.Easy to fall into a downward spiral. Think.Think some more.Hesitate.Doubt.Inaction.Rinse-and-repeat. Add to this increasing emotional activity.And you’ve got yourself a bad hour.Or day.Week.Month?You surely don’t let it last longer than that? Before you know it, you start to identify yourself this way.“I am …

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Opportunities are plentiful

Opportunities are plentiful.Always have been.Always will be. “I lost my job.”You now have the opportunity to reflect on your life.What do I love to do?How can I be better at that?How can I be great at that?How can I be of greater service to others? Go through that mental checklist and you will never lose …

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