Daily Writing

Jim’s (near) daily blog articles centred around mindset and performance.

Its aim?
To make you think about your own life and have you create a positive, lasting change that comes from within.

Confidence is built over time

I don’t remember how many times I let Charmander die in my first video game (Pokemon Blue).In the game they call it fainting.I didn’t know the difference at the time.It took me a while to figure out that Scratch dealt damage and Growl didn’t.I stopped using Growl.I didn’t want Charmander to die. Years later I …

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It’s a sin to be poor

It’s a sin to be poor. If this rubs you the wrong way, why? If it doesn’t, I’m guessing you and I view money the same way. Because that’s the difference.How we define money and its accumulation. I like how Bob Proctor puts it.“Money is a reward you receive for the service you render. The …

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Afraid of quitting your job

“Was it scary to quit your job and leave a stable income behind?” It took me a while to recall my feelings from that time.To see if I felt differently then compared to how I do now.The answer was still the same. “No.” I’m dealing with a young college student.For whom life after college is …

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My next action

Hesitating between two or more options?Unable to move the project forward?Can’t make a decision?Putting off the decision?It’ll resolve itself with time? Let me not think about this now.Let me do something else.Do some “research”. (Aka browsing the web, reading unrelated blog articles and going down a rabbit hole on YouTube.)Let me watch Netflix for a …

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Uncovering your dreams, intentionally

Some of us are living day-to-day.Not in the sense of paycheck-to-paycheck.In the sense of taking it one day at a time. An admirable way of living.Only thinking about the present moment.If done by choice, it’s worthy of mimicry. Often it’s done without thinking.The person lacks ambition, an aim, a dream.Something to work toward. Follow your …

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To solve vs how to solve

Teaching the solution.Teaching how to solve it. The former works quickly.The questioner can continue with what he’s doing.The task gets completed.The project moves forward. The latter works slowly.The questioner still has to figure out the answer.The task is on hold while the questioner researches.The project is brought to a halt. Look at the productivity in …

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The glamour and the grind

A husband and wife.In their late 40s, early 50s.Owning a large house.Nice furniture.A collection of shoes and suits.Driving a Mercedes and a Lexus.Working 4-hour days.Running a 50-person company.Annual income exceeding $300K.Savings: set for life.Can retire. A young man.In his late 20s, early 30s.Nice clothes.A collection of shoes and bags.Driving a Prius.Working 4-hour days.Running a 1-man …

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Risk is relative

Risk is relative, and often subjective. It’s interesting how many people fail to realise this. Starting a business is riskier the first time compared to the tenth time.Not because the inherent risk of starting a business has gone up or down.Because the person starting the business has increased his knowledge, skill level and, often, his …

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To be great, or not to be

Yesterday was about becoming better.Today is about becoming great. At its core they require the same.Effort.Patience.Perseverance.Continuous improvement.Having a feedback loop. But then, why do so few of us actually become great? 1) The journey is so much longer. Going from knowing nothing to knowing something happens quickly.Becoming adequate? A bit more time, but doable in …

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Becoming skilled

When we start out we often don’t know where to begin.How to improve.How to become adequate.How to become skilled. At work we’re lucky.There are people around us who do what we do.We might even have a mentor.We get taught how to do certain things.Try it ourselves. Get stuck?Check with an experienced colleague.Feedback?Given to you at …

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Starting and giving up

Achievement is at the other side of deliberate effort, perseverance and patience.This doesn’t mean, however, that this effort has to be in one field. We tend to not want to “give up” on something in which we have invested resources.Not to mention the perception or opinion of others when we do so. Continuing to do …

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