Daily Writing

Jim’s (near) daily blog articles centred around mindset and performance.

Its aim?
To make you think about your own life and have you create a positive, lasting change that comes from within.

Choose happiness

Talking with your grandparents is a good way to reflect.They care for you.They want to know about you.They have their own opinions and beliefs – which they love to share. Especially, when you’re unable to see them frequently.You have to condense what has happened in your life.Make your thinking clear and succinct. My recent call …

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We cannot change others

Sometimes we want to change someone.For our sake.Often, for their sake. We see things they don’t see.At least, we think they don’t see it. They’re unaware, we think.Maybe so.Maybe no. They’re going down the wrong path.A path which doesn’t lead to anything good.Which doesn’t lead to happiness. It might even be a dangerous path.Lose some …

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“How many customers and what is the average revenue per customer you need to reach your break-even point?” “I don’t know.” “How high should your revenue be to be break-even this month?” “I don’t know.” “How much cash did you start with and how much do you have now?” “I don’t know.But my investor probably …

Ownership Read More »

Everything seems scary before you do it

It’s something I’ve become increasingly aware of.I’ve noticed it about myself.I’ve noticed it about others. We come up with all kinds of scenarios.Reasons, assumptions, excuses.How something will play out.Why we shouldn’t take action. Above all, it’s scary. It’s the fear of the worst-case scenario.Or perhaps of the unknown.Which paralyzes us. Confidence, gone.Memories of previous experiences, …

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Assumptions we’re unaware of

One thing I’ve tried to reduce over the years is operating based on assumptions.I don’t think it’s something I can totally remove from my life.Assumptions serve as shortcuts and help preserve energy, after all.I do put in conscious effort to identify the assumptions under which I operate. From time to time I try to test …

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Be selfish, be kind, be happy

Some find it tough to be kind.To be kind. all. the. time.To anyone, anywhere, at any time. “He doesn’t treat me well, so why should I?” For your own sake. “She only thinks about herself, so why can I not do the same?” You can.You should. “He never does anything for me, so why would …

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Stress is self-imposed

Stress.A word with a negative connotation.Most view it as something unwanted.Something they don’t control.Something imposed by external forces. It couldn’t be further from the truth. Stress is a great thing.It helps us grow.Physically.Mentally.Emotionally.Intellectually. We put ourselves in positions we’re not used to.Ones we’re uncomfortable with.All to achieve something that we haven’t achieved before. What makes …

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Obsession is a possession

It comes naturally as a child.Curiosity. A curiosity so strong it turns into an obsession.An intense desire to understand, to figure something out, to get better at something. Somewhere along the way we lose it.Most of us at least.We start caring more about fitting in.About what others think of us. No longer driven by internal …

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Make the call

Reaching out to others is scary.Nobody likes rejections. But those are the opportunities for growth.When things aren’t going well.When things don’t turn out as expected. The pain you feel at the moment is nothing more than your negative relationship with the outcome.Why view it negatively when you can view it positively?Why fear it when you …

Make the call Read More »

Coaching done right

As a coach, I have one objective: make myself unnecessary. As time goes on, I want to spend less time with a person.What I’m after?That a person can thrive and grow on his or her own. I’m not looking to teach anything.I’m looking to have the person teach himself.I’m just there to help guide him …

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The only superpower you need

The other day I watched Undercover Billionaire season 1.There are many take-aways.My biggest one?The power of belief. I often write about having a vision.A clear image of what you’re trying to accomplish.What you’re striving for.Alone or as part of a team. One component I haven’t touched on much is the power of belief.Belief in oneself.Belief …

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A global individual

“Do you regret moving to Japan?” a 20-year old Japanese asked. No.Were there tough moments?Sure.But those pale in comparison to my growth as a result of living here. At 25 I had the urge to live in a place very different from the one I had grown up in.I didn’t want a simple change of …

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