Hi, I’m Jim

Empowering MBA

I'm building 18 startups in 18 months.

Join 40+ empowered subscribers who get a daily update and, inspired, pursue your own passion profitably.

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    Me in 30 seconds

    After business school I planned to become a professional football coach. I joined a startup instead, helped grow it to 25 people before having to fire half of them.

    I moved to rural Japan to join a corporate incubator, couldn’t handle the bureaucracy and quit after 2.5 years to start my own thing.

    Then I drop-shipped, day-traded, consulted startups, did digital marketing for local businesses, and coached young people and small businesses.

    Along the way, I found my calling, which I call Empower:
    to be able to help anyone in 5 minutes, now and 300+ years after I’m gone.

    I spend my time reading, learning, writing and building empowering startups. (With some coaching on the side.)

    Dutch native turned global citizen, I now live in central Japan.

    What I’m working on

    Empowering MBA I’m launching 18 startups in 18 months.

    Current startup – A text-based personal brand agency for founders and executives.

    (Growing my mom’s real estate agency on the side. Out of love.)

    Contact me?

    I write a daily newsletter. It’s the best place to follow my Empowering MBA journey and receive announcements of new guides.

    I’m active on LinkedIn and Twitter (kind of). I’m inactive on other platforms.

    Coaching requests – if you want to level up your life or your startup. 300+ people coached.
    (Btw, read my philosophy on life & growth or my DIY guides.)

    Collaboration or mentoring requests.

    Speaking and interview requests (see my TEDx talk and media page for previous work and media kit).

    I do my best to reply to emails and DMs but get too many to answer everything.

    Media & Free Resources

    I’ve written (200+) book notes, short-form articles and long-form guides.

    In 2020 I did a 100-day daily video challenge. You can find these on YouTube and Podcast (subscribe at Apple, Spotify, Google, Amazon, Overcast, Stitcher or copy the master RSS to paste in any player). Sometimes I release new videos/podcasts.

    If that’s not enough, you can listen to my TEDx talk and over 5 hours of interviews, where I’m the guest.



    Empowering MBA

    I'm building 18 startups in 18 months.

    Join 40+ empowered subscribers who get a daily update and, inspired, pursue your own passion profitably.

      No Spam. No Fluff. No Noise. Unsubscribe at any time.