At a loss

Inevitably it’ll happen.
Feeling lost.

Am I doing the right thing?
Should I be doing this now?
What is the right thing to do?
How can I proceed?

Moments of doubt.
Moments of uncertainty.
Moments of being at a loss.

That it happens is a given.
How long you feel this way is a choice.

What you need is exposure.
To something new, something different.

Overcoming this feeling of loss is not straightforward.
But it’s not insurmountable.

Talk with friends.
Talk with mentors.
Talk with strangers.

Explain what you’re doing.
What you want to be doing.
99% of what they say you may already know.
It’s the 1% that gives you the breakthrough.

Take a day off.
Being in a relaxed state makes it easier for the brain to function.
To give you new ideas.

Rest is important.
What’s even more important is breaking your routine.
What’s the harm in doing something a bit different for a day?

Travel somewhere you haven’t been before.
The change in scenery may do you well.

Watch something or read something that you don’t usually watch or read.
It’s the exposure to something outside of your world that can make the difference.

Give yourself some time for deep introspection and reflection.
An hour, an afternoon, a day, maybe even a week.
However much you can spare.
You may find yourself in such a flow that you’ll end up giving yourself more time.

Some solutions work better than others.
It differs per person.
It differs per moment.

It’s all good.
Whatever can help you go from loss to clarity.

Just do yourself a favour: don’t stay in it too long.
Life has so much to offer if you let it.
Remember: you’re never alone in this world.
Plenty of people are willing to help you.

Take a break, do something different and continue your journey with renewed vigour and clarity.