Action is the medicine

“How are you doing?”

“I’m still thinking of the name.”

It’s been 4 days.

“Pick whichever name makes sense to you now. You can always change it later. If you’re hesitating between a few, send me the names you’re thinking of.”


For 3 days.

“How is the YouTube channel coming along? Have you already posted something?”

“I’m not sure what to make a video about.”

The niche had been decided two weeks earlier.
Content suggestions had been given at that time too.

“Here are a couple of questions. Send me the answers and I’ll help you pick out suitable content ideas. Spend no more than 15 minutes on this and write whatever comes to your mind. No need to overthink this.”

Two days pass by.

“Can you send me the answers?”

I receive a list.

“Looks good. Now start with the first one. Record it today. Edit and upload it tomorrow.”

No response.
Two days later, I’m still waiting.

This time it was about the creation of a YouTube channel.
Next time it’s something else.

The start of creating something for oneself.
Learning new skills along the way.
Creating a better future.
Opening up opportunities that may come tomorrow or 5 years from now.

The first step is the most difficult.
It’s when you don’t know anything.
It’s when your mind does all the imagining.
Making everything seem more difficult than it actually is.
Making you want to stay where you are.
In your comfort zone.

The first step is the most difficult.
Making every step after that easier.
Everything becomes increasingly easy and comfortable.
The more steps we take.

It’s that first step – when the mind does all the work – that is the most difficult.
The only medicine: action.

Move an inch forward.
Realize it’s not as difficult or scary as you thought.

Move another inch forward.
Realize you may actually enjoy this.

Doing something has no downside and only upside.
Doing nothing has no upside and only downside.

You control your present and shape your future.
Not with your thoughts.
But with your actions.