A business anyone can start

Being alive in this day and age is amazing.
The tools we have at our disposal.
The knowledge we have access to.
The opportunities that are present.

“How to be an entrepreneur in the media space?”

An interesting question I got the other day.
Currently, anybody at any time and at any age can create a business.
Especially one in the media industry.

YouTube, Twitch, Spotify, WordPress.
Platforms like these have democratized media.
Whoever doesn’t see the opportunity.
Is simply not ready for it. Yet.

My response to the question?

1) What is your preferred method of communicating?
In writing?
Pick one to start with.

2) Based on (1), pick a platform that lets you communicate in that way.
Become great on that platform before expanding to another one.

3) For your content or service you have 2 options.
Talk about something you deeply care about.
Document your journey of learning or doing something new.

Pick whichever gives you the most energy and fulfilment.

Yes, it’s that simple.

4) Learn from feedback.
It may require you to improve your existing offering.
It may require you to add something.
Whichever it may be, remember: everything can be used as feedback.

Nobody giving you feedback?
That in itself is feedback.

Have an open mind.
Do what gives you energy.
What fulfills you.
Become a little bit better every day.
Strive for greatness at what you do.
Enjoy the process.