Give and give more

Give and take.

Normal to some.
A revelation to others.

Many grow up focused on the “take”.
“What’s in it for me?”

It works once.
But people are quick to pick up on these intentions.

As we get older we learn: there is no such thing as a free lunch.
You want to receive something?
You have to give something.

You want to continue receiving?
You have to continue giving.

Slowly, we change our perspective from short-term transactions to long-term relationships.
Create a win-win situation.
Something beneficial for both.
A perfect equilibrium.

That’s where some young people are.
That’s where most adults are.
That’s where most stay their entire life.

Unbeknownst to them, there is another level.

Forget about that.
That’s just another word for status quo.

What we’re pursuing in life is not status quo.
It’s progress.

Give and take?
That’s playing the short to mid-term game.
Satisfactory results now.
But not outstanding results later.

The name of the game?
Give and give more.
Without expectation.
No hidden agenda.

It doesn’t make sense to most.
Why does someone give me 51+% of the benefits in this deal?
Why does someone give me a controlling interest?
Why does someone give me a bigger piece of the pie?

Because. The. World. Is. Abundant.

If that doesn’t make sense now, revisit this article a year from now.
Or 3 years from now.
Maybe 5 years from now.

To give you something to work with:

  • Would you rather work with someone who is selfish or selfless?
  • Would you rather be surrounded by people that ask for opportunities or give them?
  • Would you rather spend time with someone who thinks about their interests or yours?

Similarly: how differently would you treat each of these people?

Humans, regardless of age, gender or culture, are surprisingly alike.
Meaning, it is very probable that others have the same preference and response as you do.

Give and give more.
Play the long game.
Go for the outstanding results later.
Nobody can tell you when it will pay off.
History can.
And history teaches: with time it will.